Primary Barns

As I’m sure that you all know, the primary colors are yellow, blue and red and those are the colors that I used for these paintings.  One might rightly argue that using yellow, blue and red are like using all the colors since every color can be mixed from these three primaries.  For these paintings, however, I applied only the three primary colors to the canvas and did not mix any secondary colors.  There was a bit of mixing on the canvas(hence a little green), but the color scheme remains a primary one.  

I chose to paint barns, as they add a nice bright red to the canvas. (Also, possibly, because I have a fondness for barns due to the hours I spent reading and playing with kittens in the haymow of our barn as a child!) 

The pigments I used for these paintings were-

Cadmium Yellow

Cadmium Red

Alizarin Crimson

Ultramarine Blue

Cerulean Blue


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