Various Greens!
August 21, 2020In my blog, I am trying various color schemes to expand my painting vocabulary. To that end, I am selecting a different color scheme/limited palette each week and basing three little 8 x 6 or 10 x 8 paintings upon that color palette. If you have any suggestions of color palettes I should try, please email me at ( I’d love to have a comment section on this page, but I haven’t yet figured out how to do that!)
My paintings are all available for sale at-
Since green is so ubiquitous in any spring or summer landscape, having a clear idea of how to mix various types of greens is a subject worth exploring!
In many cases, it is preferable to have a duller type of green-which can be easily achieved by mixing Cadmium Yellow with Black(Barn and John Deere Tractor)-or for a bit more brightness-Cadmium Yellow and Ultramarine blue(Grain Elevator by Railroad Tracks) or for a very bright green -PthaloBlue and Cadmium Yellow(Big Sioux River View).